Give By Text

Text Giving

You can conveniently donate to ODBC using your smartphone, iPhone, or tablet. It takes less than two minutes to register and it’s easy to use. Once you are registered, you can make contributions in a matter of seconds.

With text giving, you can make weekly contributions or respond to special appeals by simply sending a text message from your phone. It’s a convenient solution when you can’t attend services or don’t have cash or checks with you. Text giving is a convenient way to fulfill your stewardship commitments and worship the Lord through tithes and offerings.


•Text giving is designed for one time donations
•Text giving service supports donations via ACH or debit cards
•Members choose their dollar amount and have the option to donate to a specific fund by using a special Fund Code
•This option meets the industry’s highest standards for privacy and security


•Offers a convenient alternative to writing checks or carrying cash
•Captures donations for special financial appeals
•Allows members to text donations to specific church funds
•There is no cost for you to participate, however, normal text messaging fees from your cell phone provider may apply

First-Time Donation

After your first time, additional gifts can be made quickly and easily.

1. Send a Text Message

•On your smartphone, start a new text message
•In the “To” field, enter 84321
•In the “Message” field, enter the amount you wish to donate, for example 100
•Send the message

2. Complete Registration

•You will receive a text message back from 84321
•Click on the secure link in the text message
•Choose Open Door Baptist Church from the list
•Follow instructions to set-up payment method(s) and confirm your first donation
•You are now all set up for additional donations with a simple text message


Once you have set-up your Give by Text account, the process for giving by text is easy.

1. Send a Text Message

•On your smartphone, start a new text message
•In the “To” field, enter 84321
•In the “Message” field, enter the amount you wish to donate, for example 100
•For designated gifts, add a fund code after the amount, for example 100 bgf.
See list of fund codes below.
•Send the message

More Ways To Give



Message Purpose
Stop deactivate account
Refund automatic refund for card payment (if texted within 30 minutes of donation)
Mistake Cancel transaction for ACH payment

Fund Codes

gf Tithe
ef Edgar Feghaly
rp Reyes Perez Eztevez
def Deaf Ministry
bgf Building Fund
kg Jacob Gaddala
bs Byron Sarracino
kid kidzcamp Ministry
mf Missions/Outreach
gl Gulshan
ns Nick Serino
tee Teen Ministry
of Orphans Fund
aj Anthony Juma
ev Elmer Valencia
mus Music Ministry
bf Benevolence Fund
jl Jeff Leabres
ez Ed Zogg
sew Sewing for Children
mc Moses Chatla
om Oliver Manzano
ben Benjamin Ministries
ab Amgad Beshail
wc Wesley Chatla
gn Gary Newhart
emb Caring Choices (Embracing Options)
albo Alex Boamah
jd Jitesh Das
pn Peter Nielsen
gid Gideons International
ecb Gary Weist
rd Romy Divina
jo John Orinda
cor Coreluv Orphans
trip Family Mission Trips
gd Gasim Domkog
mp Max Pera
cjr Coreluv – John Rizzo
indv Anon. Individual Gift