Open Door Equipping Center

Foundation Courses

Old Testament Survey

A chronological and comprehensive survey of the Old Testament featuring a unique structuring of biblical events in basic stages of Bible history.

New Testament Survey

A comprehensive survey of the New Testament.

Theological Survey

Theological Survey is a general survey of Bible doctrine designed for the “layman” not the theologian. The course revolves around 12 major areas of study, three per 12 week semester. Courses consist of but are not limited to: the doctrine of man, the doctrine of Satan, the doctrine of the Holy Spirit, etc. All course curriculum is based on Wilmington’s Guide to the Bible, all materials will be provided.

Ministry Training Courses

Introduction to Biblical Guidance (Counseling)

This course provides an introduction to biblical guidance principles and practices. Topics include: Key elements of biblical guidance, recognizing idols of the heart, comparison of counseling philosophies, developing a Christian attitude that resolves problems. Discussion of particular issues relating to marriage, parenting, anxiety and fear, lust, and compulsive behavior.

How to Study the Bible

The Bible is God’s love letter to humankind. The Bible reveals to us who God is, how he has worked throughout history, and what he is going to do in the future. In this course, we will be learning how to employ different bible study methods. These methods help our study of scripture by determining what the original intention of the author(s) was, and in making personal application for today.

Teacher Training

This course introduces the student to strategic concepts that are foundational to the teaching-learning process as it relates to the teaching of Scripture. The student will learn how to apply a methodological approach in the preparation, presentation, and evaluation of the teaching of the Scriptures.

“Reducing the Risk” Training

This child protection training will teach you about the very real problem of child sexual abuse and its devastating effects in faith communities. Required for adults (age 18+) who are working with minors (age 0-17) in any area of church ministry.

Mission Training Courses


Apologetics covers the evidences for the central truths of Christianity: the existence of God, the deity and resurrection of Christ, and the authority and truth of the Bible in order to better equip believers to have answers for their faith.

Biblical Evangelism Training

In this course, we will take a look at witnessing to people biblically, the way Jesus did. “The Way of the Master” teaches us to witness in a way that reaches man and honors God.


American Sign Language

An introduction to American Sign Language. Students will learn basic vocabulary, grammar, history, fingerspelling, numbers, terminology, and Deaf culture.

Financial Peace University

This 9-week DVD series taught by money expert Dave Ramsey will help you manage your money God’s way. With lessons on the basics of budgeting, eliminating debt, planning for the future and more, this course offers tangible steps toward achieving financial peace. Everyone can benefit from this course regardless of marital status and income. There is a $100 registration fee per family to offset the cost of a Financial Peace Membership kit, which includes class materials and online resources.

Sacred Marriage

This course invites you to see how God can use marriage as a discipline and a motivation to reflect more of the character of Jesus. Your marriage is much more than a union between you and your spouse; it is a spiritual discipline ideally suited to help you know God more fully and intimately. Sacred Marriage shifts the focus from marital enrichment to spiritual enrichment in ways that can help you love your mate more. Whether it is delightful or difficult, your marriage can become a doorway to a closer walk with God. Everything about your marriage—from the history you and your spouse create, to the love you share, to the forgiveness you both offer and seek by turn—is filled with the capacity to help you grow in Christ’s character.

Shepherding a Child’s Heart

Shepherding a Child’s Heart is about how to speak to the heart of your child. The things your child does and says flow from the heart. Luke 6:45 puts it this way: “…out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks.” Geared towards parents with children of any age, this insightful class provides perspectives and procedures for shepherding your child’s heart into the paths of life. Shepherding a Child’s Heart gives fresh biblical approaches to child rearing. Whether you are a parent, grandparent, future parent, or children’s ministry leader, this class will be helpful and insightful. Join us for this 12 week journey.

Spiritual Leadership (Men)

This 10-week course is designed for men to be encouraged in the area of spiritual leadership. Please join us as we take an interactive look into the Gospels to see how Jesus equipped leaders to change the world.

Spiritual Warfare

If you are saved by the Grace of our Lord, you are at war. At war with your flesh, your mind, and the enemy. Using a video resource from Chip Ingram, we will work through how to recognize what that spiritual battle looks like and how to combat the attack. The course is jam packed with scripture and I expect some lively discussion. Hope to see you there!

The Truth Project®

This course is a DVD-based series comprised of 13 lessons taught by Dr. Del Tackett, that examine life from a biblical perspective. Each lesson discusses in great detail the relevance and importance of living the Christian worldview in daily life. This course is designed to challenge believers to have a biblical worldview and to make an eternal difference in our world.



Re:fuel is our mid-week service where we worship the Lord through singing, testimonies, prayer, and preaching the Word. Pastor Bill will teach through an entire book of the Bible chapter by chapter. This allows the scripture to highlight its own themes helping you gain a better understanding of the scriptures’ intent and meaning, and with the help of the Holy Spirit personal application to your life. Each week it is exciting to see what the Lord reveals to us through His word, along with song, testimonies, and prayer. Come hear what is going on in the lives of our fellow believers and pray! You will leave feeling re:fueled!

Choir Rehearsal

Open Door Choir rehearsals are held every Wednesday from 7:00pm-8:15pm in the Sanctuary. Childcare is available. Just show up to a rehearsal! We do not hold auditions for choir membership. In John 4 we read that God “seeks those who worship Him in spirit and in truth.” Likewise, we are searching for those who not only can sing, but whose faith is real, and whose passion for worship is contagious. If that describes you, come join us!


Open Door Teens exists to love God by loving teenagers. Wednesday Nights consist of teaching God’s Word, Small Group time with interactive discussion, and games that are enjoyable for all to participate.


kidzcare (Newborn–1 Yr.): Quality care that introduces babies and cruisers to God, their creator, and to Jesus, God’s Son and communicates God’s love for them by meeting their needs.

kidzclass (Toddler–Preschool): Teaches Biblical truths concerning God, God’s Son, God’s Word, and God’s world. Students learn that God is their creator and that He loves and helps them. They begin to understand what sin is and that Jesus came to earth as a baby and then grew up and died for them. This class prepares them to understand the gospel.

kidzclub (Pre-K–5th Grade): kidzclub is a systematic plan built on biblical principles, for the purpose of seeing young people come to know Christ in a personal relationship, to develop in maturity through discipleship, and to establish biblical HABITS for life: Hang time with God (quiet time devotions), Accountability with another believer, Bible study and reading books, Involved in Christian service, Tithing and faithfulness to the local church, and Scripture Memory.